Karate belts signify a student’s progress to the next level. Before earning the next belt, the student must demonstrate improved Karate techniques and a deeper understanding of Kihon (basics), Kata (form), and Kumite (sparring). To advance to a new Karate level. Examiners from JKA HQ in Tokyo will evaluate our Karate academy’s Dan exams, while JKA UAE Qualified examiners will handle the kyu exams. The assessments include practical, oral, and written parts, with different requirements for each level.
Minimum time elapsed since the last Karate belt grading
Consistent training
Proficiency in Karate techniques
Knowledge about your testing Kyu/Dan syllabus
Approval or recommendation from instructor(s)
Kihon in Karate means “basic” or “fundamental.” It includes essential techniques like strikes, kicks, blocks, and stances. These techniques form the foundation of all other training in Shotokan Karate, and are practiced repeatedly to develop proper technique and muscle memory.
Kata consists of pre-arranged patterns of movements designed to simulate self-defense against multiple attackers. These sequences are performed individually and are regarded as the “forms” or “dances” of Karate. Shotokan Karate features approximately 26 katas. The purpose of Kata is to refine basic techniques, and it aids in developing power, speed, and balance.
Kumite, meaning “sparring” in Shotokan Karate, involves applying techniques from kihon and kata in live, sparring situations. Typically done with a partner, kumite can be pre-arranged or free-style. It aims to enhance a student’s timing, distance, and reaction. The ultimate goal is to develop the ability to use techniques effectively and safely in real-life situations